Our Methodology

What does effective communications and PR return to an organization?

Effective communications and PR is two-way (mutually beneficial) information sharing between a company, and its varied stakeholders which include media, key players, stakeholders and the community. Through correct and accurate execution of communications and PR plans, companies are able to achieve: positive organisation perception, higher accuracy news flow, improved transparency, and sturdy organisation reputation.

The discovery phase comprises an in-depth analysis of the organisation’s internal and external environments, organisation’s competitive edge, funding, and analysis of current investments into the sector.

The design and develop phase focuses on creating and curating “local stories with a world class communications quality.
Strategic positioning differentiate one’s work by communicating distinctive value propositions, which in turn enables you to achieve sustainable and fair results evaluations.
Strategic news and information flow will be achieved through carefully angled news releases and the subsequent media coverage that supports your narrative and positioning.
We ensure you stay connected to stakeholders through initiating constructive dialogues. We help you organize conventions, outreaches, FGDs, roundtables and learning sessions. We also support and conduct shareholder drills to identify and reach out to key investors.
Our Public Relations Value-Added (PRVA) evaluation system measures perceptions, top of mind positioning, content coverage, media coverage and stakeholder engagement sentiments.