Live Interviews and PR: The impact of real-time brand narrative building

In an era dominated by instant communication and digital media, the power of live interviews has become a game-changer for public relations (PR) professionals seeking to shape and amplify brand messaging. 

Live interviews present a unique set of challenges and opportunities, demanding real-time precision and finesse from PR teams. In this article, we’ll explore how live interviews influence brand messaging, examining key strategies and showcasing relevant examples.

1. The Unfiltered Connection

Live interviews offer an unfiltered and direct connection between a brand representative and the audience. This immediacy demands a meticulous approach from PR professionals to ensure that the brand’s core message is clear, concise, and aligns with overall communication strategies.

2. Crisis Management in Real Time

Live interviews are particularly challenging during crises, but they also present an opportunity for effective crisis management. PR professionals must be agile, ready to respond to tough questions while steering the narrative toward a positive and constructive direction.

3. Social Media Amplification

In our digital era, live interviews go beyond traditional media, they shine on social platforms. PR teams skillfully use social media to magnify key messages in real-time. This not only widens the reach but also creates direct connections with the audience, making your message more impactful.

4. Authenticity Builds Trust, Be yourself.

In live interviews, being genuine is key. People like real moments, and in these situations, brands can show their human side. PR folks and spokespersons should work together to be sincere, passionate, and relatable during these live talks.

Whether you’re telling a story or sharing info, confidence is crucial. Let your passion shine because it helps build a connection. People want to know the real you, and showing your passion makes them trust that you really know your stuff. So, during media interviews, use this chance to position yourself and your business as experts in your field.

5. Preparation is Key

Ready, Set, Go!!! Even though live interviews call for quick thinking, preparation is the key ingredient. PR teams ensure spokespersons are well-prepped on potential topics and key messages, ready to handle surprises with finesse.

Being prepared helps you speak with confidence, giving you a chance to share your vision and create a positive image for your business. If you enter an interview unsure about your messaging, the pressure can be intense. Practice consistently until you’re not just comfortable with what you want to say but also with how you want to say it. Practice, practice, practice!

6. Analytics for Continuous Improvement

After the spotlight fades, analytics step in. They unveil audience engagement, sentiment, and key message effectiveness. PR teams treasure these insights, crafting sharper strategies for upcoming live interactions. This continuous refinement ensures your brand’s evolving resonance in the ever-shifting landscape of real-time communication.

7. Know your messaging.

Before heading into an interview, know your goals. What do you hope to accomplish? If talking about your message does not feel like second nature, you’ll be doing more harm than good. You’ll need to be able to deliver your messaging in a smooth and coherent way. There is a lot to focus on in an interview, and the last thing you want is to be stuck trying to remember your key points in the middle of the conversation.

Beforehand, ask yourself: What are two to three key messages you want to share? Then, memorize and continuously practice speaking those points. These messages should be positive and impactful; you want your message to resonate with your audience. Even if you wind up only discussing two out of three of your points during the interview, you will have at least shared some very concise and key brand messages.

8. Keep your answers short and simple.

The longer you speak does not mean the better the interview. People tend to lose focus quickly. The desire to digest information rapidly is what audiences are looking for. If you take too long to respond to an interviewer’s question, you’ve likely already lost the viewer’s attention. Another bonus to keeping responses short is that you’ll be able to drive your key messaging home and then transition to additional topics you want to cover. This puts control of the interview in your corner.

Remember to speak clearly, avoid filler words such as “um,” and make your points simple and easy to understand. Leave out the jargon or words people don’t typically use in everyday conversation. Speaking in terms that leave your audience confused makes it difficult for them to connect with you.

9. Use your silence.

This is a technique I find reporters use frequently. You wrap up your response and they sit quietly, thus making you feel like you should say something else. What often happens next is the interviewee starts talking to fill the dead air space. If you have information that adds value or you plan to transition the conversation to a new topic entirely, then by all means continue speaking. But if you’re speaking just to fill the silence, reconsider. The last thing you want to do is fall into the trap of giving too much information.

10. Be in control.

This is your interview, and you want to ensure you control the narrative. It’s your story. Interviewers are masters of sensing the perfect moment to jump in and ask the types of questions designed to provoke newsworthy answers. It’s their job to dig up information that will grab the interest of the audience, and it’s your job to ensure you’re prepared.

No matter how you feel the interview is going, it’s crucial to remain calm. Never take anything personally, no matter how hard a reporter might try to goad you into answering uncomfortable questions or lead the conversation in a direction that will provoke you into giving newsworthy sound bites. And remember, when talking to a journalist, you’re always “on the record.”

Live interviews wield a real-time impact on brand messaging, requiring PR professionals to navigate uncharted waters with finesse and strategic acumen. Through careful preparation, crisis management, and an authentic approach, brands can leverage live interviews as a dynamic tool to connect with audiences, build trust, and shape a positive brand narrative.

Preparing for an upcoming live interview? Prudence Zoe Glorious is at your service! Feel free to inform us of your needs, and we’ll ensure you’re ready to shine in your live interview.

By Anastazia Masiaga ,

Digital Content Creator & Social Media Management Consultant at PZG PR.